Technology development

Alongside our ongoing R&D, we actively pursue new technologies that can drive progress and increase customer value in various fields of Real-world Evidence studies. Currently, our technology development focuses on delivering interactive dashboard solutions for studies, and utilization of synthetic data.


Our research based RWE solutions will provide high-value evidence for customers, including new and timely insights about the patient journey, enhance documentation for market access purposes, support clinical development, and guide decisions for the pipeline. Our goal is to communicate RWE research findings to the wider public community in peer-reviewed journals and at scientific congresses, but also to give our customers added value offerings through our project specific interactive dashboards.

Illustrasjonsbilde av mulig dashboard

Synthetic Data

Both in our own R&D project, and with collaborators from the Cancer Registry of Norway, we are exploring synthetic data generation and investigating the utilization of synthetic data for e.g., feasibility assessments, and as a tool for data exploration.

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Christian Jonasson

MSc. Pharm. Ph.D., Research Director